Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Okay now im going to evaluate my work of the animation from over the past month. I have been very busy making many designs for the dragon, the hero and the buildings. The only reason is that it would complicate the animating if  I left it too detailed so I had to cut back a bit. I have done many designs on the dragon with influences from many different games, mainy the Monster Hunter series. I have also designed the hero'es weapon based around the Monster Hunter game again. Although once i have designed the characters I couldnt use them in the end as they were overall too complex for this type of animation so i decided to cut back at this point.

Most of my designs that I have done with the dragon and the hero/hunter was all designed on paper, I prefer to draw my work onto paper more than drawing in photoshop or paint. that is usually how I feel comforable with my work. This may change in the future but all of my current work will be drawing based on paper. So all my work I have drawn will be scanned onto photoshop for me to colour in and maybe sort out the odd few lines or something along the lines.

I next began to do very simple drawings, I even made the dragon a stick figure. I thought this would be easier but I decided to change my mind again as it would be too simple and not worth attempting to post up. I finally decided to design the dragon, not too complex and not too simple. As you can see that the dragon i have chose to do isnt that complex or too simple, it sits right in the middle and perfect to animate with.

When I began to animate i have done all the flames and the arrows and blood through flash, the buildings was done in photoshop. Everything else  I have done was hand dran on paper and scanned to my memory stick. With animating I have jumped inside the picutre and mostly used movement and appearing/disapearing animations only. First though I have concentrated on all the dragon movements. I thought I would make it breathe fire and fly off and return to add more effects to the movie clip. As I entered the hero/hunter I made the dragon jump in shock, I thought this is a good way to show the dragons reaction.

Once all that is done I decided to animate the hunter rotating to take aim and firing the arrow straight for the dragons head, which then is able to show that the arrow pierced the dragons head, causing the dragon to die, I just rotated the dragon and flipped it. I then made many frames out of red circles to show the blood spreading around the dragons head. I finally added the buildings and that was a simple export from photoshop. I then saved the whole thing as an AVI file and now its all on blogger.

If I was given more time I know I could have managed a much longer and more detailed video as I know what im doing now. I think I would have made the dragon retaliate and dodge arrows and actually make the limbs move. This is all a good way to prove that im capable of these things and will include these in future tasks.

Final Animation

With all the weeks I have been planning and animating the dragon, I have finally concluded to what my final attempt will be like, it may be a bit basic but I think its brilliant for my first animation without help.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Seagull Animation

I have done some animation on seagulls... Its a class thing so I didn't choose to do it, although it was a lot of fun, anyway, here is my video (:.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Story Board plans

I have made some plans for a storyboard. I'm planning to do a story on a basic, Dragon attacks village, hero kills dragon, happy ending kind of thing. I have gone into development and here is my design on the dragon for the storyboard.

Speech Bubble

First we entered the documents on flash and changed the background colour to a greyish colour. We then set the default colours of the oval tool to black and white and coloured we then used the line tool to make the lines for the tail. We then clicked on the line between the tail and the bubble, then deleted the unneeded line.We finally curved the tail and saved it into the library. Here is a screen shot of my speech bubble.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Interactive Comics

We had to look up some interactive comics through previous lessons, I have just got around to writing about it. I have had a look at an interactive comic called Hotel. I have to admit that this comic can be random and sometimes it has stuff in the story that makes no sense but can be an overall good interactive story, here is a screen shot of the comic.

Next I have done the Interactive comic Dead On Arrival. Here this one features many interaction to find out what has killed you and who by, all through animated images to clicking on certain objects. Here is a screen shot of this comic.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

More Text

Today we have started to make a glass effect in words on photoshop, we have used the polygonal tool and used it to create triangles which act as glass shards. Next We have used the lasso tool and used it to creat a circle and in that we used feather on 50, we then selected the cloud option under filter and we Radial Blurred it at 100. Finally we selected all the text and done the command, Fill, 50% grey and chose a colour, we then made a shadow for the text and we finally added the colour of the explosion to the shadow of the text.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Max Text

Here is the latest thing done on 3ds max. Its a spotlight on text infused with various monsters from the Monster Hunter Series. I just cant get the spotlight to be round D:. Anyway here it is.

Monday, 18 October 2010

The last design

For some reason it wouldnt let me upload this file for the fourth design on the other post, well here is the final design.

Multiple shirt designs

Here I have done multiple designs for t-shirts through most of my art and a few photos taken from Astor park, here are the designs.

Monday, 11 October 2010

More Typography

I have decided to do a picture of my lovely girlfriend through typography, i know im not that good at it but its a good first time i think. I have used the black and white tool and lowered the opacity. I have also lettered certain colours. Here is my finished picture of typography.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Pen Tool

Today we have been experimenting with the pen tool in Photoshop, we have been making curvy lines like we did as practise in flash and we then input text into the line and fuse the words over the line, i have an example of my work right here.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Spider Diagram of Capture

We have decided to do a Spider Diagram of many ways to capture images. Here is my version of the Spider Diagram for captureing images.